Wednesday, September 14, 2011

In and Out

As many of you may already know I get to work with the Rotary Youth Exchange program. I've been privileged to work with the outbound students, those US students traveling abroad and to work with the inbound students from other countries. Honestly, I can't tell ya which group is my favorite, you would think they were all the same and in some ways they are but they are also so different.

The New In-bounds - France, Italy, Spain, Taiwan, Slovakia, Austria, Switzerland, Argentina, Finland (I don't think I forgot anyone...)

Most of the inbound kids from Europe have traveled a lot whereas the kids that are outbound haven't had the same travel experience, regardless I think they are both some very brave and adventurous individuals.

I've enjoyed being involved in the orientations for the out-bounds, walking them through the mounds of paperwork, trying to prepare them for their year, living with them the frustrations in obtaining their VISAS and helping with the endless list of items to be remembered. Its been a blast getting to know the students that have arrived from around the world to spend a year here in the US. Their perspectives of life in the US are quite interesting to say the least.

What I have really enjoyed the most is watching each of the them as they enter this new phase of their life, watching them go through the adjustment to a new environment and watching them conquer their fears and apprehensions. Its gonna be a great year for them. Full of challenges, full of adjustments, full of new experiences but mostly full of growth. There is not one single one of these outstanding individuals that will not grow because of this experience. I am so privileged to watch it unfold and yes, while I do feel a bit like a creeper (look up the term) I believe I'm witnessing an amazing development process in each one.

I hope they have just an amazing year.

Remember - It is what it is