Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dadaab and the Chaos

Dadaab Refugee

I guess its been a while since I've put anything on here. I've done a few articles, written a few things that I never posted, but I just needed to put something down to put some thoughts into perspective for me to have it "out there".

Many of you may already know I've been following this tragedy for a while now. The size of the problem is so huge its almost overwhelming. Its been tugging at my heart so much that I've almost felt consumed by it at times. What have I done? Nothing and I've come to realize that "feeling bad" is not enough, sure I can give, sure I can tell others about it and raise awareness. Still not enough - I feel a tug to Go and do, I feel a pull towards Dadaab stronger than I've felt towards any other project in the last few years.

I don't know how or when or what but I do feel the pull to be there. There is so much need and so much suffering. Considering the difficulties with my passport situation and the ongoing Kenyan military incursions into Somalia in search of Al-SHaabab extremists it is a very challenging situation for me to go. But if I'm supposed to be there, if its somewhere God wants me He will put me there. As of today:

I feel I need to go.

What would I do? I have no earthly clue. Work with any of the number of refugee mission groups that are in Dadaab, hook up with an NGO that is already there, who knows, that is probably the easiest thing to figure out. There is a real need for bodies to help and serve, they need volunteers period. How would I pay for this? no clue. I've been prayerfully considering this for a while and the tug has not diminished in the least, in fact I've felt a peace about this that I believe is an answer to the many prayers I have raised about this opportunity to serve. I'm not sweating the details, if its somewhere I am supposed to be, then God will take care of putting me there. Not so worried about the obstacles, not even sure if they are obstacles or merely a chance for me to see miracles happen. All I know is this - there is a need and I believe that I need to go and help.

How big is the problem - Hundreds of thousands live each day on the edge of existence. 500,00 people, not sure if you read that correctly


I found the following comments following an article I was reading about the situation in Dadaab and it gives an African perspective to the problem that only and African can give.

"This famine, and the ensuing forced migration, are terrible. I have the strongest sympathy for those affected.

This famine was utterly predictable and widely predicted. It is the inevitable result of population growth in an area known to be affected by periodic drought and unstable weather, where agriculture is marginal at best.

Shame on the lazy, greedy African elites who allow and encourage these disasters and do nothing to avoid them.

Shame on the lazy, greedy and corrupt African elites who see the disaster as an opportunity to skim off more aid money.

Shame on the venal and shortsighted African intellectuals who in the name of petty local nationalism prevent the policies that would keep these people fed, housed and clothed.

Shame on the lazy and thoughtless African thinkers and writers to get in the way of proper family planning for these populations."

While I don't necessarily agree completely with the part about this being the result of population growth, since this is a people group fleeing violence in Somalia as well as a famine situation its not true over-population problem. I don't know who is right and who is wrong, I don't think there is only one reason or one specific thing that has caused this particular crisis but in the complete and grand scheme of things, it is irrelevant at this time. Hundreds of Thousands of people are at real risk. Hundreds of Thousands of people are in dire need of food, of education, of water and of the right to know that there is a God that has not forgotten them, a God who still cares and a God who is reaching out to them. Yea, a majority of the individuals living in the camps are Muslims, I am not sure just how they feel about this God or those willing to tell them about His Son, who came to die for them so many years ago. Notwithstanding this, it doesn't matter, its my obligation, our obligation to at least let them know He does care and does want them to come to know him.

Aerial View of Dadaab Camp

I guess we will see what happens next huh? remember:

It is what it is

not sure if this will work-check out this video

This kid needs someone to care